“Savants utilise an eclectic array of visual arts to stir our emotions and 
illuminate within us the hidden depths of our infinite imagination."

Savants is a collective of Artists with diverse and complementary skills.

The group thrives by experimenting with new styles and artistic techniques, working on both experimental and commercial projects.

Over the years their visions have been filling up client's hearts, viewer's eyes, galleries all over the world, festivals, magazines, walls, canvases or anything else they can lay their hands on.

The collective travels between Italy, Spain and their Amsterdam headquarter, movement and the search for new stimuli are the basis of the collective.

Savants are always available to deal with new opportunities and ready to illuminate what is still hidden in the infinity of the imagination.

Marco Galmacci

Co–Founder & Creative Director

Rocco Pezzella

Co–Founder & Creative Director

Francesco Castellani

Co–Founder & Art Director

Juri Agostinelli

Concept Artist, Animator & Director



© Savants 2011 – 2021 All rights reserved